- 题量: 20题(考前每天搞定4题)
- 形式:
- 题目
- 破题思路(待更)
- Sample (非文本-文本Sample只会增加记忆负担,即使压中原题也可能导致记忆不够深刻,还原差而降分)
- 机经内容:
Day 1序号 | 题干 | 思路 | Sample 音/视频 |
1 | T1-In every culture there are some customs or traditions from the past those young people no longer follow. Describe a custom or tradition form the past that is no longer common but that you wish still popular today. Give specific reasons why you wish that still popular. | ||
2 | Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why? | ||
3 | Which following period is the most difficult time in a person’s life? Childhood, teenage years or adulthood? Give your opinion and explain the reasons. | ||
4 | Agree or disagree with the statement that in order to be successful in Business, it is important to be friendly and outgoing. | ||
Day 1串讲范围 | 预测题串讲视频链接 |
15年 | 详见真题机经班 |
Day 2序号 | 题干 | 思路 | Sample 音/视频 |
5 | Nowadays many people will move their location to different places for working and schooling. Describe two advantages of living in a new place. | ||
6 | Do you prefer to buy an electronic product as soon as it becomes available in the market or do you prefer to wait and buy it until it has been in the market for a while? | ||
7 | Do you agree or disagree that it is good for students’ learning if the teacher assigns a lot of homework? | ||
8 | Some people like to spend money on tangible things (like electronic devices or outfits) while others prefer to spend money buying experience (like traveling). Which one do you think is better and why? |
Day 1串讲范围 | 预测题串讲视频链接 |
16年 | 详见真题机经班 |
Day 3序号 | 题干 | 思路 | Sample 音/视频 |
9 | Teachers may make mistakes, including those experienced teachers. Describe one of the mistakes teachers may commit. | ||
10 | There are many events at school which are negative when we confronted initially, while which are getting positive after we’ve experienced them. Please give an example of events that are negative at first and positive later for you. | ||
11 | Which of the following three would you choose to do in summer vacation? Working as a librarian, painter in an art centre, or life guard in the natatorium? | ||
12 | Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: a boss or a manager should not form close friendship with their employees. |
Day 1串讲范围 | 预测题串讲视频链接 |
17年 | 详见真题机经班 |
Day 4序号 | 题干 | 思路 | Sample 音/视频 |
13 | Do you agree or disagree that young children should leave home to stay with relatives and friends for a short period of time? | ||
14 | Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids? Being selfish, saying impolite things or speaking loudly in public? | ||
15 | Agree or disagree with the following statement: If children play sports a lot, they will be aggressive in life? | ||
16 | Which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone: Eat a meal; listen to music or do homework? |
Day 1串讲范围 | 预测题串讲视频链接 |
17年 | 详见真题机经班 |
Day 5序号 | 题干 | 思路 | Sample 音/视频 |
17 | Describe an experience where your friend disappointed you and how you reacted to it. | ||
18 | What do you think are the important characteristics of a good leader? | ||
19 | Which of the following do you think has the greatest impact on students’ life? 1. electronic books 2 smart phones 3 online courses | ||
20 | University is planning to allow students to eat and drink in classroom, do you think it’s a good idea? |
Day 5串讲范围 | 预测题串讲视频链接 |
18年 | 详见真题机经班 |
考前必看 | 考前1h串讲 |
- 题量: 10题(考前每天搞定2题)
- 形式:
- 题
- 音频
- 现场版笔记示范视频 + 满分Sample视频
- 机经内容:
进度 | 笔记示范 | Sample |
周一 | T3笔记 ; T5笔记 | T3-Sample ; T5-Sample |
周二 | T4-Notes ; T6-Notes | T4-回答 ; T6-回答 |
周三 | T3笔记 ; T5笔记 | T3-Sample ; T5-Sample |
周四 | T4-Notes ; T6-Notes | T4-回答 ; T6-回答 |
周五 | T3笔记 ; T5笔记 | T3-Sample ; T5-Sample |
必看综合方法论 | 综合口语文章(选看) |
综合口语是否需要Paraphrase | 199付费综合口语7天营 |
综合口语表达用什么时态 | 录音时多遍录音的必要性解释 |
综合口语高分你需要什么技巧 | |
为什么我说综合口语是最完美的备考资料? | |
提高语音语调、综合能力、听力能力的练习步骤~ |
1-机经可以不中,但是题目一定会答: 不论是否可以中机经,机经预测的主要目的,是为了让大家掌握在答题时候最好用且最高效的破题的方式和答题的内容。 考试的时候就算没有中原题还是可以答好,拿高分。
2-知道了 ≠ 会用了 ≠ 拿高分
: 所有的独立口语题都能用段子,分数高低取决于表达能力 – 段子记得牢,用得好,独立Good肯定跑不了。
4-练习≠刷题,刷题≠过思路: 把所有考前能够接触到的题都当做是考试原题的心理状态去准备,以结果为导向的练习才是获得结果的最佳途径。