

1. Why does the woman go to talk with the man?
A. To respond to a complaint from another student in her dormitory
B. To discuss a problem she is having as she prepares for an exam
C. To request permission to sing in her dorm room in the afternoon
D. To explain why she does not have time to participate in dorm activities

2. What does the woman imply about the music departments practice rooms?
A. They are located far from her dormitory.
B. They are open only in the morning and evening.
C. They can be uncomfortably warm in the afternoon.
D. There are not always enough of them available to meet the students’ needs.

3. What do voice students have to do for their end of semester exam? Click on 2 answers.
A. Make a list of songs they are prepared to sing
B. Sing in front of a large audience of students
C. Answer questions about the history of opera
D. Sing in languages other than English

4. What does the man imply about the vacant room on the ground floor?
A. He is not sure whether he has a key for it.
B. Other singers have used it in the past.
C. It is not an ideal location for practicing singing.
D. The woman can start using it immediately.

5. What does the man ask the woman to do for the upcoming show?
A. Design flyers publicizing the show
B. Distribute flyers around campus
C. Contact some music acts for the show
D. Perform in the show


1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. A new understanding of how eye movement is related to vision
B. A new technology being used to study brain activity
C. Ways in which darkness can affect the senses
D. An experiment investigating a sensory phenomenon

2. What was the purpose of the eye-tracking device the professor talks about?
A. To ensure that the subjects were not imagining the sight of their hands
B. To determine if any light had accidentally entered the room
C. To confirm the claim by certain subjects that they were synesthete
D. To compare eye movements in lighted rooms with those in darkened rooms

3. What hypothesis was supported by the experiment the professor talks about?
A. The sense of movement is stronger when other senses are not in use.
B. Non-Syntesthetes rely on their sense of movement more than synesthetes do.
C. Movement can be used by the brain to generate visual images.
D. Movement is processed by the same area of the brain that processes sight.

4. Why does the professor mention researchers waving their hands?
A. To explain what researchers did to help confirm their findings
B. To imply that the researchers served as subjects themselves
C. To illustrate why the researchers’ initial hypothesis was wrong
D. To show how researchers modeled what they wanted their subjects to do

5. Why does the professor mention an association between a musical note and a color?
A. To suggest that many people associate music with colors to some extent
B. To imply that many musicians and artists are syntesthetes
C. To help students understand the perceptions of a synesthete
D. To explain the effect of music that was played during the experiment

6. What can be inferred about the professor?
A. She suspects that visual images produced without input from the eyes are not very clear
B. She doubts the results of the eye-tracking research
C. She thinks that she would have been a good volunteer for the experiment
D. She is probably not a synesthete


1. Why does the man go to see the professor?
A. To explain why his research paper will be late
B. To inform the professor about problems that arose during a dig
C. To discuss his progress on a class assignment
D. To ask for the professor’s recommendation for a research project

2. What does the professor imply about the field research program?
A. It will be voluntary the following year.
B. It will continue in spite of the difficulties in arranging it.
C. It is very popular with students.
D. It will be changed to the winter session.

3. Why did the man keep a detailed journal while he was on the dig?
A. A fellow student had suggested that it would be a good idea.
B. The bad weather gave him a lot of time to write.
C. The remote location provided little else to do during his free time.
D. Keeping the journal was one of his assignments at the dig.

4. What does the professor say about the introduction of the man’s paper?
A. It should include information on the research steps the man will follow.
B. It is too narrowly focused on one aspect of the man’s research question.
C. It does not explain why the man is interested in the topic.
D. It contains information that belongs in other sections of the paper.

5. Why does the man say this?
A. To indicate that he understands the professor’s point
B. To inform the professor that his sister is studying archaeology
C. To explain how research helped his sister choose her profession
D. To suggest an improvement for the field research program


1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. How the removal of historic buildings increased the supply of urban housing
B. How the destruction of historic buildings led to the creation of strong preservation laws
C. Evidence that the architectural significance of a building can be reduced through neglect
D. Evidence that business interests in architecture will usually have priority over cultural interests

2. What point does the professor make when he refers to the historic American building survey?
A. A large number of buildings were classified as historic.
B. Some important historic landmarks were not listed on the survey.
C. Many historic buildings were torn down in the 1900s.
D. Local preservation efforts were more successful than nationwide efforts.

3. What two points does the professor make about the design of the original Pennsylvania station? Click on 2 answers.
A. The design was elegant and daring.
B. The design was initially considered impractical.
C. The combination of neoclassic and modern styles was not well integrated.
D. The design was obscured over time by poorly planned additions.

4. According to the lecture, what argument did the owners of Pennsylvania station make against historic preservation?
A. The station could not easily be restored to its original condition.
B. Building an arena was a way of creating a structure of new historical significance.
C. Outdated architecture should not be considered art.
D. Only functional buildings should be preserved.

5. According to the lecture, how did the New York city landmarks commission affect private property rights?
A. It limited what private owners could do with their property.
B. It gave the city the right to take historic properties from private owners.
C. It permitted people to purchase monuments owned by the government.
D. It controlled the style of private buildings that could be constructed in the city.

6. What does the professor imply when he says this?
A. He disagrees with the newspaper’s conclusions about the city’s preservation efforts.
B. He thinks the newspaper’s judgment is harsh but accurate.
C. He thinks the style of the writing is both poor and irritating.
D. He thinks the editorial hurt the city’s preservation efforts.


1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. Characteristics of predators that attack particular species of sea urchins
B. The challenges of studying organisms that live in deep-sea environments
C. A discovery that has provided information about a sea animal’s behavior
D. The changing habitat of the sea urchin and king crab off the coast of Antarctica

2. Why does the professor mention fast moving waves in shallow sea waters?
A. To point out that sea urchins need wave motion to move
B. To compare the movement of waves in shallow waters at two different depths
C. To explain why shell fragments and small rocks are common in shallow waters
D. To offer a possible reason why sea urchins cover themselves

3. what does the professor imply when she mentions the king crab study?
A. It unexpectedly led to another research study.
B. The analysis of the photographs went faster than anticipated.
C. The king crabs reproduced at a greater rate than expected.
D. A new species of king crab was discovered.

4. What does the professor say was the likely reason for the Sterechinus urchins change in behavior as sea waters became deeper?
A. There was more covering material available for them to use.
B. They encountered more king crabs there.
C. They were less able to attach themselves to the seafloor.
D. There were more Sterechinus urchins to compete with.

5. According to the lecture, why might Sterechinus urchins use algae and sea shells in deep sea waters?
A. To help block their own smell
B. To provide highly nutritious food for their young
C. To help prevent predators from seeing them
D. To build stable homes on the ocean floor

6. What is the professors overall opinion about the study on Sterechinus urchins? Click on 2 answers.
A. It failed to address an important question about other types of urchins.
B. The researchers probably misinterpreted some of their findings.
C. The findings contradict popular ideas about king crab behavior.
D. More research is needed to support a hypothesis the researchers made.
