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Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below.
Title of conference: Future Directions in Computing
Three day cost: 1 £……………………..
Payment by 2……………………..or on arrival
– Conference Centre
●3£…………………….. per night
●near to conference rooms
– Guest House
●4 £……………………..per night
●approximately 5……………………..walk from Conference Centre
– Further documents to be sent:
●an application form
– Location:
Conference Centre is on 7……………………..Park Road, next to the 8………………………
Taxi costs 9 £……………………..or take bus number 10……………………..from station.
Questions 11-20
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11 The Counseling Service may contact tutors if
- A they are too slow in marking assignments.
- B they give students a lot of work.
- C they don’t inform students about their progress.
12 Stress may be caused by
- A new teachers.
- B time pressure.
- C unfamiliar subject matter.
13 International students may find stress difficult to handle because
- A they lack support from family and friends.
- B they don’t have time to make new friends.
- C they find it difficult to socialise.
14 A personal crisis may be caused by
- A studying for too long overseas.
- B business problems in the student’s own country.
- C disruptions to personal relationships.
15 Students may lose self-esteem if
- A they have to change courses.
- B they don’t complete a course.
- C their family puts too much pressure on them.
16 Students should consult Glenda Roberts if
- A their general health is poor.
- B their diet is too strict.
- C they can’t eat the local food.
17 Students in financial difficulties can receive
- A assistance to buy books.
- B a loan to pay their course fees.
- C a no-interest loan to cover study expenses.
18 Loans are also available to students who
- A can’t pay their rent.
- B need to buy furniture.
- C can’t cover their living expenses.
19 The number of students counseled by the service last year was
- A 214.
- B 240.
- C 2,600.
20 The speaker thinks the Counseling Service
- A has been effective in spite of staff shortages.
- B is under-used by students.
- C has suffered badly because of staff cuts.
Questions 21-30
Questions 21 and 22
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Melanie could not borrow any books from the library because
- A the librarian was out.
- B she didn’t have time to look.
- C the books had already been borrowed.
21 Melanie says she has not started the assignment because
- A she was doing work for another course.
- B it was a really big assignment.
- C she hasn’t spent time in the library.
22 The lecturer says that reasonable excuses for extensions are
- A planning problems.
- B problems with assignment deadlines.
- C personal illness or accident.
Questions 23-27
What recommendations does Dr Johnson make about the journal articles?
Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-G next to questions 23-27.
A must read
B useful
C limited value
D read first section
E read research methods
F read conclusion
G don’t read
Anderson and Hawker: A
Jackson: 23 ………………
Roberts: 24 ………………
Morris: 25 ………………
Cooper: 26 ………………
Forster: 27 ………………
Questions 28-30
Label the chart below.
Choose your answers from the box below and write the letters A-H next to questions 28-30.
Population studies
Reasons for changing accommodation
Possible reasons
A uncooperative landlord
B environment
C space
D noisy neighbours
E near city
F work location
G transport
H rent
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-37
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
The history of moving pictures
31. Some photographs of a horse running showed
- A all feet off the ground.
- B at least one foot on the ground.
- C two feet off the ground.
32. The Scotsman employed by Edison
- A designed a system to use the technology Edison had invented.
- B used available technology to make a new system.
- C was already an expert in motion picture technology.
33. One major problem with the first system was that
- A only one person could be filmed.
- B people could only see very short films.
- C the camera was very heavy.
34. Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people had
- A been told about the American system.
- B seen the American system.
- C used the American system.
35. In 1895, a famous new system was developed by
- A a French team working alone.
- B a French and German team working together.
- C a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’.
36. Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involving
- A the subject matter.
- B the camera.
- C the film projector.
37. The ‘Lantham Loop’ invention relied on
- A removing tension between the film reels.
- B adding three more film reels to the system.
- C making one of the film reels more effective.
Questions 38-40
Complete the sentences below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
38. The first motion picture was called The ……………….
39. ………………….. were used for the first time on film in 1926.
40. Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its……………….. .
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